Hearing Loss: Causes and Consequences

When you have trouble following conversations, or you cannot hear certain sounds, it is called hearing loss. Some people have congenital hearing problems, but for the most part, some form of hearing loss develops over time. As this is one of our most important senses, effective treatment is paramount.

Hearing loss: How to detect the first signs?

Detect a loss of hearing

People with hearing difficulties often have difficulty in environments with high background noise, such as in restaurants or public places. Usually, they do not hear or hear high tones.

For example, people with hearing problems have had trouble distinguishing the sounds. Conversations are therefore tiring to follow. Because of these factors, hearing loss can be a reason for withdrawal from social activities.

Hearing loss in numbers

Statistics do not lie: you are not alone in suffering from hearing loss!

Facts about hearing loss

The diagnosis of hearing loss is when a person is unable to hear at least 25 decibels with an ear during a hearing test. Deafness usually refers to a severe form of hearing loss. People with severe hearing loss usually hear sounds only from 95 dB.

Some people feel they hear better with one ear than the other. This phenomenon is called unilateral hearing loss. Nearly 69% of hearing aid users in Europe carry two devices.

Types of hearing loss

There are different types of hearing loss whose causes are as varied as the characteristics. Two phenomena occur more frequently:

In about 85% of cases, the people suffer from a loss of understanding (perception deafness), the remaining 15% are subject to the weakening of the sound (transmission deafness).

Hearing loss & tinnitus

The hearing provides the basis for locating a sound and allows you to detect where it is coming from correctly. In road traffic, for example, it can save your life.

People with or without hearing loss hear whistling or buzzing sounds. Tinnitus is related to hearing loss so that a hearing aid can help some people. While there is no cure for tinnitus, different treatments can reduce symptoms and associated problems.

Take action against hearing loss – look for a specialist

The first step is the hardest to do. But what to do after making an appointment with the audiologist? First, it is important not to go alone to this meeting. Often, your loved ones notice the first signs of hearing loss before yourself. Friends and family members can provide valuable information that helps the hearing care professional find a practical solution.

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Learning to Cope with Hearing Loss